Thursday, November 18, 2010

Tools for Mind mapping

 Several tools are used for drawing a mind map and some of the most famous ones are:
iMindMap by Tony Buzan
And many others.
The one I used and found interesting was Freemind.It is an awesome tool for designing and graphing what exactly is running through your mind. It gives you a feel of linking and convincing your thoughts in an easy and organised manner.A good tool for mind map that simplifies and presents your thoughts in an easy way.
It is really easy to download and use Freemind. 
             One can go on the site will provide you with the link to Download.To download freemind you should have JRE 1.4 or above in your system. In case, you do not have it than Install Java Runtime Environment.Choose a FreeMind installation file by operating system.. E.g. If you have windows on your system than click on Windows Installer max.Download the chosen installation file.Install FreeMind.

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