Thursday, November 18, 2010

Mind map

Mind map is the mapping of the ideas and thoughts in your mind on a map visually.The ideas revolve around a central idea or thought with the aim of organizing information, studying, solving problems and making decisions.Mind map can also be thought of graphical method of taking notes.Mind map can be visualized in the form of tree that is in a hierarchical format with many branches or ideas branching in various sub-sections.It is an attractive way for one to take notes through text and pictures.Modern mind mapping is invented by Tony Buzan.Some of the guidelines for building a mind map is as follows:
1. Start  with a central idea by a root.
2. We can use images, symbols, codes, colors, text and dimensions throughout the mind map.
3. Each word or image is represented or shown on its own line.
4. The lines that represent the branches should be connected to the central root and lines starting from centre are thicker, organic and flowing and they become thinner as they originate from the centre.
5. Use multiple colors throughout the mind map that makes it attractive and easy to understand.
6. Have your own style of mind mapping that leaves a great impact on the viewer.
Mind map
Finally, we could say that mind map is made around a single idea or word and it is an easy way of representing data in an extraordinary fashion which could be easily figured out even by a layman that what one is trying to convey or convince.
                  Mind maps has several applications and some of them may be:
                           Note making
                           Outline/ Framework Design
                           Clarifying the thoughts and ideas over a subject or matter
                           Individual expression of creating
                           Mixture of text and images
It is an effective tool of LEARNING.
Mind map can also be said as coloring of your thoughts and ideas with different color paints in an awesome and captivating manner.

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